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Yihui Liu
Bachelor of Design (Graphic Design & Performance Design)
Graphic Design
Photograph of hands holding a wheel in darkness, with rows of red Chinese characters projected onto them.

Set Design, Life Pattern

Act 1 – Installation close-up

Photo: Yuhui Liu

Photo of a dark-haired girl in a white singlet and black pants crouching in the dark, holding a wheel with a labyrinth print, with projection of rows of red Chinese characters.

Set Design: Life Pattern

Act 2

Photo: Yuhui Liu

Photo of two girls in white singlets sitting in darkness, leaning their heads together, with red Chinese characters projected onto them, one holding a wheel with a labyrinth print.

Set Design: Life Pattern

Act 3

Photo: Yihui Liu

Photo of two girls in white singlets sitting in darkness, leaning away from each other, both holding a wheel with a labyrinth print, with red Chinese characters projected onto them.

Set Design: Life Pattern

Act 4

Photo: Yihui Liu

Photo of a girl in the dark holding a wheel with a labyrinth print towards her face, overlaid with red Chinese characters.

Set Design: Life Pattern

Act 5

Photo: Yihui Liu

Photo of a dark-haired girl in a white singlet and black pants crouching in the dark, holding a wheel with a labyrinth print, with projection of rows of red Chinese characters.

Hi, I'm Yihui. I'm an ENFJ graphic designer with a passion for exploring various art styles. I excel at and have a strong affinity for collage as a means of artistic expression. I possess a keen eye for color coordination and composition.

My artistic journey began with the study of oil painting from a young age, and I have since developed a deep appreciation for photography and graphic design. My personality is characterized by creativity and a love for beauty, which influences my preference for natural landscapes as subjects in my oil paintings. Additionally, I draw inspiration from pain, adding a unique and versatile dimension to my work.

Photo of a dark-haired girl in a white singlet and black pants crouching in the dark, holding a wheel with a labyrinth print, with projection of rows of red Chinese characters.