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Bryan Susanto
Bachelor of Design (Graphic Design & Performance Design)
Graphic Design

Self-directed Project: Motion Poster Series

Poster 1

Self-Directed Project: Motion Poster Series

Poster 2

Self-Directed Project: Motion Poster Series

Poster 3

Posters for Vivarium Festival with white typography, vibrant colors, and close-up halftone images of eyes, ears, and lips.

Festival Rebranding: Vivarium Festival

Poster set

Mock-up Instagram posts featuring the Vivarium Festival branding

Festival Rebranding: Vivarium Festival


Logo for featuring a red wordmark with the 'E' and 'N' stacked to resemble a human figure.

Brand refresh:

Logo design

Mock-up of the branding in red and mauve, on a pink coffee cup.

Brand refresh:

Coffee cup application

Typesetting: The Crystal Goblet or Why Printing Should be Invisible


Mock-up of the branding in red and mauve, on a pink coffee cup.

Bryan Susanto is a graduate of the Bachelor of Design at the University of Melbourne with a major in Graphic Design.

Bryan's interests in design lie in exploring often paradoxical and unconventional concepts with a deep, human-centered, and emotionally charged approach to graphic design.

Compassionate, open-minded, and always willing to learn, Bryan aims to develop and use his expertise to create creative work that is 'always meaningful, never boring.'

Mock-up of the branding in red and mauve, on a pink coffee cup.